Our founder, George Jenkins, believed in being a role model for treating associates with respect.
His door was always open for associates to share their ideas and opinions. He once said, “If you want people to respect you or your company, you must show respect for them.”
George knew all too well how it felt to not be heard. While working for Piggly Wiggly, he had big ideas he wanted to share with the store’s newest owner. He waited for the owner to visit Winter Haven, Florida, but he never showed. George then drove all the way to Atlanta to meet with his new boss. However, he was denied a meeting because he was told the owner was tied up in important meetings. But as he was waiting, he overheard the owner talking about golf. This led George, in 1930, to open his own store next to the Piggly Wiggly in Winter Haven, vowing never to treat his employees or customers like his new boss had treated him.
He dedicated himself to creating a company culture where all associates were treated as owners with dignity and respect. His heartfelt wish was to create an environment of mutual respect and engagement.
Read more about our Publix Culture and learn how George Jenkins’ commitment to respecting the dignity of his associates continues, as we begin to celebrate our 95th anniversary.