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Publix’s commitment to its green initiative extends to educating its customers on how they can improve the environment through sustainability. The company offers the following tips: 

Reduce Food Waste 

Customers can reduce food waste by checking their pantries before going on a shopping trip to avoid buying items they already have. With this practice, customers don’t buy unnecessary products and therefore reduce food waste. 

Conserve Energy 
To save energy, Publix encourages using cold water when washing clothes and using LED lighting in homes. 

Reduce Carbon Footprint 
By regularly checking tire pressure, drivers can save on gas and therefore reduce their vehicle’s carbon footprint. 

Reduce Paper Waste 
By signing up for a Club Publix account, customers can enroll in e-receipts to save paper. 

Publix encourages recycling by providing recycling bins in front of all its stores for paper, plastic and foam recyclables.  

Sustainable Products 
Know how to look for and purchase sustainable seafood. 

Reusable Products 
Using glass jars for food storage keeps everything fresher for longer periods of time. Publix also sells reusable shopping bags for customers to reduce the amount of plastic bag usage.  

To learn more, visit It also includes helpful recycling tips, such as: 

  • what items are accepted for recycling 
  • how to prepare them and  
  • where they go afterward.